Monday, March 10, 2008

Ultimate Frisbee is Fucking Awesome.

I tried my first game of ultimate frisbee this afternoon. Wow, I didnt know playing Frisbee could be so demanding(on my lungs) and so tiring!

I always had the pre-conception that Ultimate Frisbee is " kick".... NOT ANY MORE! Playing Frisbee is so damn damn damn damn fucking shagged The guys I play with are all so freaking fit! It took ounces of energy (and fats) for me just to keep pace with them. Plus the fact that I cannot throw a frisbee for nuts (actually I can, but I just can't do it properly under pressure!), all I was doing the whole day was running to the end line, hoping to catch a long throw.. and pick up easy points! FUN FUN FUN!!!!!

Oh btw, today the wierdest thing happen to me. I woke up with my watches and hp showing 1pm and my computer showing 2pm! I was like.... ISSIT 1pm or 2PM... damn it!
Only to realize from Kaixing that it was 2pm.. and I just lost an hour to stupid DAYLIGHT SAVING! I swear I havent heard that thing before... so I was this goondu.. checking up wth is daylight saving in WIKIPEDIA! ok, I know I know, I AM DUMB!