I just confirm my rental of a mini cooper convertible for 30 USD!
Kinda exploited (legally) an online promotion!
1 day of driving... free petrol (up to 300KM) all inclusive.
Driving in SEattle with my baby!
Mine is silver colour though :)
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Amazing Canadian Rockies
Hello! I'm back from my rockies tour. It has to be the best $250 + $30 I have paid in my life. Everything there was awesome, from the valleys, to the mountain, to the snow...
My limited vocabulary probably cannot express how amazing this place is... in any case, pictures speaks a thousand words.. here it goes.... First Picture, Craft in Lake Louise.. for my gf: I am still thinking of you everyday =)
I am standing 3000Meters above sea-level! 2998 + my height... kk... Im tired and hungry... see the rest of my pictures on facebook!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Me + Ear Ring
Nothing much to blog lately. Just some st. Pats party... etc.. Im going to rockies this weekend!! Can't wait! n its cheap too only 250cad for 4d3n..
I did something 3-4 days ago though. Pierce my left ear. =) Markie with a ear ring, doesnt quite suit eh?
Monday, March 10, 2008
When I talk about boring things.. no one tagged.
NUS sex survey: 64 per cent of undergraduates have sex more than once a week!
I SAY NUS PPL DAMN HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why am I on exchange to UBC? I SHOULD BE DOING EXCHANGE IN NUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
64% is damn freaking high man. I think even higher than average Singapore adult. Geeez... come to think of it, why am I in SMU? I think I need to apply for a transfer when I get back
Source: http://www.asiaone.com/News/Education/Story/A1Story20080305-52896.html
Ultimate Frisbee is Fucking Awesome.
I tried my first game of ultimate frisbee this afternoon. Wow, I didnt know playing Frisbee could be so demanding(on my lungs) and so tiring!
I always had the pre-conception that Ultimate Frisbee is "ahh..easy..no kick".... NOT ANY MORE! Playing Frisbee is so damn damn damn damn fucking shagged The guys I play with are all so freaking fit! It took ounces of energy (and fats) for me just to keep pace with them. Plus the fact that I cannot throw a frisbee for nuts (actually I can, but I just can't do it properly under pressure!), all I was doing the whole day was running to the end line, hoping to catch a long throw.. and pick up easy points! FUN FUN FUN!!!!!
Oh btw, today the wierdest thing happen to me. I woke up with my watches and hp showing 1pm and my computer showing 2pm! I was like.... ISSIT 1pm or 2PM... damn it!
Only to realize from Kaixing that it was 2pm.. and I just lost an hour to stupid DAYLIGHT SAVING! I swear I havent heard that thing before... so I was this goondu.. checking up wth is daylight saving in WIKIPEDIA! ok, I know I know, I AM DUMB!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
A good reflection
Its timely how I chance upon this video. It goes along with my earlier entry about.. reflecting on life.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Running Commentry
For those who like running on a threadmill, do you have similar thought process as I do? It always goes this way... for eg.. when you are running a 2.4 km in say 11 mins.
0-2mins: "Hmm this is easy... no sweat.. i can do this forever"
2-4mins: "Okay.. I am starting to tire.. 4.5 more rounds to go"
4-6mins: "FuCK! I can't do this anymore, I need to slow down... NONO i can't slow down.. Come on.. concentrate..Look at the sky.. look at the chio bu across the hall..."
6-8mins: "I am so drained now.. I can't even think.. 22222222222222222222222 more rounds to go... I think I need to stop... NONONONOOOOOOOOOOOOO... run you bitch.. run"
8-10mins: "Ok one more rd to go... I can do it, I can do it.. I can do it... FUck... why is the distance count on the threadmill moving like a snail"
10-11mins: "OK.. few more metres... CHIONNNNNNNNNGGGG ah"
10 mins after the run: "Hmmmm.. actually I think I could have run faster..."
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Random thoughts
Sometimes it is good to take a moment to reflect on life. It could be just 5 minutes before you go to bed, showering in the morning, taking a dump in the toilet or maybe like what I am doing now, taking some time off from mindless mugging for 2 of the dumbest subjects one can study for in University (The Earth & the Solar System and Introduction to E-business)
Our life seem to be destined right from the day we were born. We were supposed to follow the following route. 1) Kindergarden 2) Primary School 3) Secondary School 4) JC 5) University. Sticking to this route is extremely necessary, because if you don't people will look down on you. In fact for that matter, you tend to look down on yourself too. But why are we like that? Why is life in our world so demanding? Everyone is different, born with different talents, so why should I be judged on how many A's I get in school. Life sometimes do suck!
Worst of all, I am guilty of following this mindless path. I work my ass off in school, for the last 3 years trying to secure nothing but a useless piece of A4 paper. Sometimes I cannot help but reflect upon the VAST amount of time I have wasted studying for the stupidest things on this planet (BGS, CT, AS... TWC!!!!).
I totally admit that I am the typical SMU student, guilty of typical Smugger sins.
1) I study really hard for a test and tell others that "eh.. ok la... read up abit only lor"......
2) I tend to neglect my project work until the very last moment and concentrate instead on the individual components...
3) I stay at home and study like a closet mugger (yea.. I'm already well-known for that)
Is all these worth it? Is the A grade or the 1st class honours so important in my life, so much so that I am missing out on alot of things in life. Is it worth sacrificing all the fun with friends and moments with my gf and family.
After all, we only have so long to live. When the moment come and I lay on my death bed reflecting on my life. Can I tell myself I have live my life with no regrets? Maybe I will only know the real answer then... or maybe I should start making sure I don't.
Monday, March 3, 2008
My Plant is dead... (actually its missing!)
My plant, the sole living thing that has been sleeping, breathing and hanging out with me in my tiny room is dead. It flew out of my window yesterday. I am devastated! We share so much... she drink from the same bottle of water as me (u see.. i fill the bottle to the brim, drink some of it and water my plant with the remaining), she breathe my CO2 and i breathe her O2..
My Plant
20/01/2008 - 02/03/2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
OK... i REALLY cannot decide on either one. It doesnt help that it cost almost the same to travel to either destination Should I go Cancun (Mexico) or Hawaii (US)... please help me decide! Voting on the top right side of the page! ok.. some pictures below for references... but i dun think they do them justice... HELP CANCUN