Okayz.. Inspired by Sze to update my blog. I'm in a lazy mode.. I am just eating, sleeping and sleeping for the last few days. Eileen and KX had to knock on my door on Sunday afternoon to drag my ass out to town.
Nothing much lately, just busy trying to look up on cheap deals. Hotwire, expedia, kayak, priceline... etc....
Done with 3/5 midterms. Got back 2 already. Not too bad... a few marks above the safetly zone of the dreaded C grade. Still got 2 more mid-terms to go.. and I am not excatly rushing to study for it.
Rey got some lobang for a 4day 3nights Rockies tour for $250 cad. Which is really cheap! The catch?... its a korean tour agency and the tour guide speaks Korean! haha.. But being the cheapo us.. i think we will just go ahead.
Have been hitting the gyms lately. You know.. I am the kind that, when I start, I continue going regularly for quite some time... so yea... need to get back to shape, threadmill, pumping some iron... IPPT will hopefully be a breeze... Tats about it.
Love you darling! Missing you! Snow cap mountain (red reflection from the sun)